
Wood Fence Materials Used

When it comes to creating and designing a fence, it’s essential to start with the proper materials.  Please have a look at the chart below to understand the materials we provide for wooden fences.  Please note, we use pressure-treated pine rails and posts unless the customer specifies otherwise. 


Pressure-Treated Pine


 Yes- Stocked Item! Most commonly used!


Western Cedar  



Yes – Stocked Item!



Eastern (Native) Cedar U.S.



Yes – Stocked Item!



Hot Dipped Ring Shanked or Screw Shanked Galvanized Nails These are the approved nails for pressure treated wood.



Yes- Stocked Item!



Wet-Mixed Concrete vs. Dry-Set Concrete – Wet mixing concrete ensures proper hardening and is used most often while dry set is is normally poured in the post-hole dry, tamped down, and watered down with a hose.



Hand Mixed Concrete Standard



Gate Construction – To ensure strength, all gates should have a 6” x 6” posts to hinge from. To ensure stability, all gates need 3 hinges to swing from, not just 2 hinges. We also use 4 inch screws to connect our hinges to the 6" x 6" gate posts instead of the standard 2 inch screws which come with the gate kits.



6X6 Posts


3 Gate Hinges Standard



Metal Framed Gates ( Optional )





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